FIT24 Klaukkala

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Clinic profile image
Book appointment

Next available Friday at 11:45

Our main priorities are taking care of your body's health, maintenance, and functionality. For this reason, we also offer top-notch physiotherapy and massage services at both of our locations. Is your back aching despite active exercise? Have you already considered making an appointment with a physiotherapist to improve your posture or enhance your performance techniques? Don't let limitations and pains control your life, reach out courageously and let's see what we can do for you. We also offer massage services from morning until evening and even on weekends!

Contact details

Isoseppälä 14 (Center) / Klaukkalantie 55 (Xpress), 01800 Klaukkala

+358 10 396 6310

Specialists (3)

Arrival and parking

Center-kuntokeskus (Isoseppälä 14) Hierojat Marko ja Hanne-Mari, Fysioterapeutti Hanna. Xpress-keskus (Klaukkalantie 55) Fysioterapeutti Susanna ja keskiviikkoisin hieroja Marko. Odotathan keskuksien etuovella. Tulemme hakemaan sinut. Kun saavut ensimmäisen kerran fysioterapiaan tai hierontaan, niin tulethan hieman ennen varattua aikaasi. Asiakaspalvelu 0103966310 WhatsApp asiakaspalveluun 0504527552


FIT24 Klaukkala

Isoseppälä 14 (Center) / Klaukkalantie 55 (Xpress), 01800 Klaukkala

Contact details

Isoseppälä 14 (Center) / Klaukkalantie 55 (Xpress), 01800 Klaukkala

+358 10 396 6310

Book appointment

Next available Friday at 11:45