Physiotherapy and massage strengthen functional capacity and relieve pain At FysioJärviseutu, you'll find a professional and experienced physiotherapist. Whether you need help and support to enhance functional capacity, alleviate acute or chronic pain, relax, or receive guidance for self-rehabilitation, we are here for you. Physiotherapy can be provided at home and in your environment or via remote physiotherapy if necessary. Our physiotherapy services cover various specializations: musculoskeletal physiotherapy, OMT physiotherapy, pain physiotherapy, pediatric and adolescent physiotherapy, adult neurological physiotherapy, psychophysical physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, urotherapy, maternity physiotherapy, and occupational physiotherapy. Additionally, we offer acupuncture, lymphatic therapy, and pool therapy. Our services also include physiotherapy groups and lectures, and we sell medical compression stockings and sleeves, as well as rehabilitation supplies. The purpose of our company's operations is to promote and support people's physical and functional capacities, health, and well-being, and to prevent the deterioration of functional capacity. Early and timely access to rehabilitation services is crucial.
Patruunantie 13, 62800 Vimpeli
+358 40 596 5188
Roosa Aho
Jenna Himanka
Juha Latvala
Eija Höri
FysioJärviseutu Oy Vimpeli
Patruunantie 13, 62800 Vimpeli
Patruunantie 13, 62800 Vimpeli
+358 40 596 5188