Fysiopoint is a company offering physiotherapy, sports massage, and acupuncture treatments, established in 2002. We are easy to reach; our clinic is located in Joensuu at the Rantakylä swimming hall, and there is plenty of parking space in front of the hall. You can combine your visit with a trip to the swimming hall or gym. If needed, we can also use these facilities in therapy. We also make home visits. Our special expertise includes the examination, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Good treatment results are based on experience and education. With us, all treatments are always carried out with the client in mind. Welcome to Fysiopoint!
Pataluodonkatu 2, 80160 Joensuu
+358 40 070 4883
Jarkko Pöllänen
Fysioterapia Fysiopoint / Jarkko
Pataluodonkatu 2, 80160 Joensuu
Pataluodonkatu 2, 80160 Joensuu
+358 40 070 4883