Osteopathy in Vantaa. Fysioterapia Vaivaton Oy operates in the Koivukylä area of Vantaa. In addition to physiotherapy, we specialize primarily in orthopedic osteopathy and acupuncture. Our primary focus is solving and unraveling unexplained issues. The most common ailments we treat include chronic neck and back pain, dizziness, pain radiating to the face, ear, and head, localized or spine-related pain in the limbs, numbness, weakness, or motor dysfunction. Learn more about our services or contact us directly!
Hakokuja 1, 01360 Vantaa
+358 9 871 2122
Pekka Vuori
Fysioterapia Vaivaton Oy
Hakokuja 1, 01360 Vantaa
Hakokuja 1, 01360 Vantaa
+358 9 871 2122