Juha Koistinen
User profile photo

Juha Koistinen


Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen

Remote consultation

Certified Sports Physiotherapist, OMT, Direct Access Education I'm an experienced specialist in sports physiotherapy / musculoskeletal physiotherapy. I have worked e.g. in track & field, artistic gymnastics, beach volleyball, swimming, competitive rowing and dance sports. My own background comes from cross-country skiing. The most typical targets for rehabilitation are lower back, shoulder, knee, ankle/foot, hip and neck injuries or strain-related injuries. In order to prevent injuries and improve trainability, I create exercise programs in cooperation with coaching. In addition to Urhea Sport, I work as a head physio of the Capital Region Sports Academy in Urhea and the Olympic Training Center in Helsinki.


Sportti - Urheilufysioterapia6
Urhea - Urheilufysioterapia (OVK - Märsky)3


Musculoskeletal physiotherapyOMT-physiotherapySports physiotherapySupport insole therapy

Customer groups

Adults 18-67yChildren under 13yYouth 13-17y


Sertifioitu urheilufysioterapeutti

Suomen Urheilufysioterapeutit SUFT ry, 2023


Suomen Kuntoutuskouluttajat ry, 2021


Suomen Ortopedisen Manuaalisen Terapian Yhdistys ry SOMTY, 1995

Language skills



Back painNeck and shoulder painPainMotoric skillsSports injuriesLeg painsLower extremity problemsStress injuries


Olympiavalmennuskeskus Helsinki

Mäkelänkatu 47, 00550 Helsinki

Urhea Sportti

Mäkelänkatu 47, 00550 Helsinki

Online booking