Osmo Pienimaa
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I work as a physiotherapist at the Terveystalo Rehabilitation Services Oulunkylä branch. I provide outpatient services here in Oulunkylä as well as home visits. My clientele nowadays primarily consists of elderly and working-age clients. My strongest area of expertise is musculoskeletal physiotherapy. With my expertise, I can help people with various musculoskeletal and functional mobility issues. My services include, among others, massage, acupuncture, treatment of positional vertigo, and kinesio taping. I meet each client as an individual and aim to solve problems according to their needs. My clients describe me as social and approachable, with good manual skills. My most extensive continuing education is in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Over the years, I have gained experience in physiotherapy for the elderly and have completed specialized training in geriatric rehabilitation. I work in Finnish.





  • Acupuncture
  • Kinesio taping
  • Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy for the elderly

Customer groups

  • Adults 18-67y
  • Children under 13y
  • Elderly over 67y
  • Youth 13-17y

Language skills

  • Finnish


  • Positional dizziness
  • Dizziness
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Tight muscles


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