AcupunctureClassic massageKinesio tapingMuscle membrane massageMusculoskeletal physiotherapyPhysiotherapy for the elderlyPsychophysical physiotherapyPhysiotherapy of masticatory organs
Customer groups
Adults 18-67yElderly over 67y
Lower extremity problemsLower back painThe flow of everyday lifeFibromyalgiaRespiratory problemsDizzinessSciantica symptomsLeg painsPain in the bottom of the footStiffnessHeel painNumbness of hands and feetBody imagePainTight musclesRehabilitation after surgeryElbow painMuscle tensionHip painTennis elbowBalance problemsMuscle tension caused by stressScoliosisBack painStress injuriesLimitation of spine mobilityProblems with bitePostoperative rehabilitationKnee painPlantar fasciitisShoulder painOsteoarthritisJoint painNeck and shoulder painRehabilitation of people with dementia