Give your body the chance to relax If you suffer from sleep problems or stress, Neurosonic low-frequency therapy can offer you relief. Insomnia is a problem that the Finland-developed Neurosonic technology can help with. By using low-frequency therapy, you promote your body's natural healing properties. Falling asleep becomes easier, and sleep becomes more restorative. The treatment mechanically guides you into a state similar to meditation, allowing your body to relax and reduce the production of stress hormones. For more information on Neurosonic low-frequency therapy:
Keskuspuistokatu 15-17, 94100 Kemi
Ratakatu 1, 21100 Naantali
Kiviharjunlenkki 4, 90220 Oulu
Kauppakuja 2, 21200 Raisio
Valtakatu 19, 96200 Rovaniemi
Jenssintie 2, 95200 Simo
Hatanpään valtatie 1, 33100 Tampere
Länsiranta 3, 95400 Tornio