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Remote consultation

I am an over 60-year-old substance abuse psychiatrist with over 30 years of experience in medical work, from the front line to senior management. Throughout my career, I have done direct patient work, i.e. clinical work as a doctor with several different work groups in different locations. I am a medicine licentiate and sociologist (1993) by training, a specialist in general medicine (2006) and psychiatry (2002). I have had the first qualification in substance abuse medicine (2004)in the Eksote area, and I have trained as a solution-oriented psychotherapist at a special level (2008). A few years ago, I did my dissertation at LUT on production economics (2020), my subject being the processes of a low-threshold polyclinic of combined mental health and substance abuse services (MTPA, so-called walk-in polyclinic). I have founded a neuropsychiatric unit in Eksote (now Ekhva, South Karelia welfare area) in 2010 to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate neuropsychiatric patients. I have strong clinical expertise in psychiatric and addiction medicine diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation. I am constantly striving to improve my skills by further training. I am approachable and easy to understand, talkative and straightforward, and can get things done. Things agreed with me hold.


  • Neuropsychiatric rehabilitation
  • Neuropsychiatric coaching

Customer groups

  • Adults 18-67y
  • Couples


  • Filosofian tohtori ( tuotantotalous)


  • Licentiate of Medicine

    University of Kuopio

  • YTM ( pääaine sosiologia)

    Joensuun yliopisto


Language skills

  • Finnish
  • English


  • Mental work capacity
  • Stress
  • Work exhaustion
  • Reading and writing difficulties
  • Memory problems
