Olga Rantapelkonen
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Olga Rantapelkonen



Remote consultation

Are you looking for a psychologist who meets you as you are, to whom it feels natural to talk about difficult things, and who is genuinely interested in working for your well-being? I always work from your needs and with a sensitive ear also listening to what remains unsaid. In my practice, it is important for me to create a safe, respectful, and confidential atmosphere. I offer psychological counseling, for example, if you are facing a difficult life situation, suffering from stress or exhaustion, or experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or panic. You do not need to have ready-made answers; we will explore together what might be helpful. I can also help if you, as a parent, are concerned about your child's development or, for example, challenges with attention or other psychological symptoms in everyday life. I warmly welcome you to my practice!


Individual therapyClinical mental health psychology

Customer groups

Children under 13yAdults 18-67yElderly over 67y


Master of psychology

University of Jyväskylä , 2019

Language skills



AnxietyMaternityValue workLife crisisHypersensitivitySelf-knowledgePainTensionDepressionMood disordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Panic disordersRelationship crisisStressGriefFear of childbirthAwareness skillsEmotional skillsCoping at workWork exhaustionFatigueInteraction relationships


Saraste Mielen klinikka

Annankatu 16 B 49, 00120 Helsinki

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