- Individual therapy
- Mindfulness
- Occupational guidance
- Crisis and trauma psychotherapy
- Cognitive-analytic therapy
- Cognitive psychotherapy
Customer groups
- Children under 13y
- Youth 13-17y
- Adults 18-67y
- Elderly over 67y
VET kognitiivinen psykoterapeutti
Integrum Instituutti
2010Yleislääketieteen erikoislääkäri
Oulun Yliopisto
- Autism spectrum
- Hypersensitivity
- Tension
- Body image
- Pain
- Depression
- Mental work capacity
- Awareness skills
- Traumas
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Phobias
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Mood disorders
- Rehabilitation of people with dementia