Järvenpää, Tuusula, Hyvinkää, Kerava, Vantaa, Helsinki
FPA tjänsteleverantör
I graduated as a physiotherapist in 2000 and I started working at Järvenpää Kuntohoito in 2001. My interest in physiotherapy has remained strong throughout my career and I have studied different fields of physiotherapy. In the early days of my career, I became interested in sports, musculoskeletal and occupational physiotherapy, and later I have focused on neurological rehabilitation and pain management.
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
2023Maj-Britt Forsbom, Bobath-kouluttaja IBITA
2015Jari Ylinen, Fysiatrian erikoislääkäri
2012Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu
2012Suomen Fysioterapia- ja kuntoutusyrittäjät FYSI ry
2007Virve Havulinna, ft, OMT, Mulligan opettaja/MCTA
2005Suomen Ortopedisen Manuaalisen Terapian Yhdistys ry
2001Helsingin Ammattikorkeakoulu
2000Kansakoulunkatu 32 B 1, 04400 Järvenpää