OMT-fysioterapeut, Fysioterapeut
Kempele, Oulu
I am an OMT physiotherapist & occupational physiotherapist by training, and I have been awarded the "specialist in musculoskeletal disorders" scholarship according to the competence recognition model granted by the Finnish physiotherapists, as a demonstration of strong theoretical and practical competence in musculoskeletal disorders. I have been working as a physiotherapist since 2012. My clientele has always been very diverse, with people suffering from various musculoskeletal disorders. My clients include athletes and fitness enthusiasts, but also those suffering from really difficult chronic pain and diseases. As a physiotherapist, I am a new generation who seamlessly combines researched knowledge of the most effective physiotherapeutic treatment methods and general healthy lifestyles for the best interests of the client, but I also listen to the client's wishes when planning treatment lines together. In my career, I have also provided exercise and wellness coaching for individuals and groups, i.e., so-called “personal trainer services”, so healthcare aimed at the holistic well-being of those suffering from back problems is a common way for me to do physiotherapy. I also do physiotherapy well in English. If you are in doubt whether I can help you further with your problem, you can always call or email me, and we can discuss about your problem before appointment.
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