Expert help at your service. Mikkelin Fysioteam OMT is a local physiotherapy company that has been operating in Mikkeli since 1992. We specialize extensively in musculoskeletal physiotherapy (OMT, TtM) and have become familiar with various acute and chronic pain conditions over the years. Our services also include lymphatic therapy, which reduces body swelling, alleviates pain, and relaxes. The most common issues for which people seek our services include neck and back pain, shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee pain, as well as jaw problems, dizziness, and headaches. Expert rehabilitation after accidents and surgeries ensures the best possible recovery of functionality. You can come to us for physiotherapy and lymphatic therapy directly or with a referral from our partners. If you have any musculoskeletal symptoms that are concerning you, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Maaherrankatu 19 A, 50100 Mikkeli
+358 50 382 4466
Pentti Happonen
Kirsi Juvonen
Ilkka Juvonen,TtM
Emmi Lemström
Sijaintimme on Molanderinmäen päällä, kaupungista päin tullessa oikalla puolella. Kiekollisia tunnin parkkipaikkoja on kaupungin puoleisessa rinteessä ja 2-tunnin paikkoja toisella puolella rinnettä.
Mikkelin Fysioteam OMT
Maaherrankatu 19 A, 50100 Mikkeli
Maaherrankatu 19 A, 50100 Mikkeli
+358 50 382 4466