At Väestöliitto Therapy services, you will receive professional support for both everyday challenges and major life changes, as well as for well-being in relationships. We offer psychotherapy, short-term therapy, sex therapy, coaching, and group activities for individuals, couples, and families. Our therapists are all trained professionals who provide reliable and comprehensive expertise tailored to your specific needs.
Aleksanterinkatu 24 C 3 krs, 33100 Tampere
+358 9 2280 5267
Päivyt Ilo
Eeva Lehtinen
Sex therapist, Work counselor
Seppo Mäki
Anna Nykänen
Sex therapist
Heli Reinikainen
Marja Holkeri
Sex therapist
Eveliina Keskinen
Sex therapist
Aimo Puukki
Brief therapist, Music therapist, Expert in working life
Jaana Tenni
Brief therapist
llmoitathan etukäteen, mikäli on tarve esteettömälle kululle.
Väestöliiton Terapiapalvelut - Tampere - Aleksanterinkatu
Aleksanterinkatu 24 C 3 krs, 33100 Tampere
Aleksanterinkatu 24 C 3 krs, 33100 Tampere
+358 9 2280 5267